
Tackle Stress Successfully via Breathing Excercise

Every day we are faced with a cascade of potential stressors. Meeting near-impossible deadlines, fear of being laid off, a mountain of household chores, family pressures, seeing the latest disaster on the news – all these make our adrenals go into an overdrive, leaving us stressed and depressed. It is hard on our body, horrid for the psyche and tough on our emotional self. Thus, we need to find super helpful stress management techniques to counter stress effectively. Breathing exercises specially designed to relieve psychological stress are restorative and give your nervous system a chance to rest and recuperate. Take a deep breath. Take one more. Do you feel a wee bit less stressed out? Yes, it does work! You've probably already been told, and you've probably also read – ‘take a deep breath and calm down’. Now, while it is very sound advice, the advice is incomplete! You’ve been told to take a deep breath, but you haven’t been told how to take a deep breath